Ten Bodyweight Exercises that will have you feeling the burn in no time


Introduction to Body Weight Exercise Routine

Mapping out a bodyweight exercises routine for bodybuilding exercises can be quite beneficial when you’re consistent with them. When bodyweight exercises come to mind, people often consider them stressful. But bodybuilding is not as hard as it seems. Yes, there’s a lot of work to be done, but how it is done determines how hard it’ll be.

Nothing good comes easy. This saying is especially true regarding bodybuilding and losing weight because although it takes a lot of time and energy, it benefits the body and mind. Anyone who wants to start bodybuilding exercises to improve their health should know which exercises would benefit them.

Below are ten of the best bodyweight exercises that can help you burn out fat and calories in no time:

1. Pushups

Pushups are among the best bodyweight exercises that people do. Most likely, anyone reading this article might have done pushups in the past, however, for something as easy to do as pushups, most people never get it right. Doing push-ups the wrong way will not yield the expected results and will prove harder than it should.

Here is a guide to doing pushups accurately and without stress:

  • Lie on your stomach and stretch your legs, extending them
  • Place your palms on the floor
  • Lift your body weight from the floor slowly with your palms
  • Stay in that position for a minute
  • Return to your starting position and re-do the process as many times as you desire

2. Lunges

Lunges could also be included as a part of your bodyweight exercise routine as it helps you to strengthen your muscles and keep your body fit. It is a multi-joint exercise that flexes your hips and engages your core muscles to produce stability. Lunges help to burn excess fat and keep your body fit.

Body Weight Exercises

To do lunges, you can follow the steps below:

  • Bend your knees slowly and lower your body until it is a few inches from the floor.
  • Go back to your starting position and repeat the process.

As simple as lunges look, they’re a good exercise to add to your daily routine as you work towards achieving your body goals.

As small and easy as this process looks, if you repeat it every day for the next six months, you will lose thousands of calories and burn a lot of weight.

3. Squats

Bodyweight Exercises

Squats should be included as part of your bodyweight exercise routine as they are beneficial to the body because they strengthen your core and the muscles in your lower body. They also reduce your risk of injury, encourage agility and flexibility, and burn many calories. The best thing about squats is that they can be done anywhere, at any time.

Since squats are done differently, people get confused trying to choose which works best for them. That can also be exhausting. But the best way to do squats is by taking the following steps:

  • Stand up and widen your feet not wider than hip-width
  • Bend your knees and ankles while thrusting your hips back
  • Open your knees slightly and sit in a squatting position. Make sure your chest and shoulders are straight and firm.
  • Stand up from that position and repeat the procedure.

With squats in your daily exercise routine, you can be sure to burn excess fat in no time and get that fit and healthy body you want.

4. Swimming

Swimming as a bodyweight exercise routine is fun; that’s how everybody tends to see it. Not many people go to the swimming pool on a normal day to exercise. But swimming is much more than fun and cruising. Swimming is an exercise, and it can help with bodybuilding as much as other kinds of exercise.

Swimming is a good exercise because it lets you build yourself up. So, it is a good option if you want to lose weight faster and without much fuss. There are four main types of swimming. There are:

  • Butterfly stroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Backstroke
  • Freestyle

Among these types, the best for bodybuilding and exercising is the butterfly stroke. It is the hardest to learn, but when you practice it often, it has a lot of benefits. When building a routine around this type of swimming, you can be assured that:

  • Your muscles will develop faster
  • It will increase your flexibility
  • It will increase your strength with time

Swimming takes practice, and if you’re patient enough, you can get the best out of it as you exercise daily.

5. Walking

Bodyweight exercises

For some people, walking can be tiring. If you’ve walked under the sun for hours a day, you wouldn’t consider the experience enjoyable. But do you know that it helped you burn calories and should be included as part of your bodyweight exercise routine? Well, it did.

Walking is a type of exercise that looks quite easy and irrelevant but does a lot of work on our body. Also, walking helps to clear the mind. Walking for three hours daily will burn considerable fat before the week runs out.

As much as walking is hard, it can help your heart and muscles and keep you healthy. If you want a good walk, the best thing to do is to take your headset with you so that you won’t pay attention to the pain in your legs when it starts to get tiring. That way, you can go for hours on end and achieve your bodybuilding goals.

Find a place for walking in your exercise routine. Don’t start with many hours; start with thirty minutes or an hour. Also, don’t take walks while the sun is up; walk in the evening to avoid sunburn. By the time you’re consistent with walking, you can increase the hours you spend doing it every day.

6. Bike Riding

Bodyweight exercises

Riding a bike is often not considered by most people an exercise because they grew up doing it. But, in reality, bike riding is one of the easiest workouts to include in your bodyweight exercise routine as it can help you to lose weight. You can lose thousands of calories in hours. And it can also be essential to the health of your heart.

To start bike riding, you must buy a bicycle if you don’t already have one. The average bicycles are not pricey. But the best kinds of bicycles you can use to burn extra weight and keep fit are as follows:

  • Road bikes
  • Mountain bikes
  • Hybrid bikes

These three bikes serve different purposes, so pick the best one for you and start your biking journey today.

7. Sit-ups

Sit-ups are the easiest kind of bodyweight exercises to do. They build your muscles and help you grow stronger with each passing day. It increases flexibility and strengthens your core, just like squats.

You can do sit-ups by engaging in the following steps:

  • Lie on an exercise mat.
  • Bend on your knees with your feet on the floor.
  • Place two hands on the side of your head without your fingers touching.
  • Bend your jaw as though you are holding an egg under it.
  • Move up and squeeze your ab while doing it.
  • Make sure your feet do not move from their initial point.
  • Pause when you sit up when your head is at an equal level with your knee.
  • Repeat this process.

Doing this daily will help you stay fit, build your body, and burn fat.

8. Burpees

By doing this consistently and including it in your bodyweight exercise routine, you will lose weight quickly and burn a lot of fat.

Burpees are not as popular as pushups or pullups, but they’re just as beneficial. Burpees help your heart and lungs to get stronger. It improves your blood flow and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Burpees also improve brain function in adults.

Burpees, like pushups, can be done wrongly at times. And when done wrongly, it does not produce the right results. So here are a few steps to doing burpees the right way while you exercise:

  • First, enter into a squat position and put your hands on the ground
  • Kick your feet back while still in the position, and keep your arms extended.
  • Return to your squat position
  • Stand up and repeat the process

9. Pullups

This bodyweight exercise routine is quite difficult; it isn’t for beginners. Pullups are hard because they involve pulling up your entire body weight with your hands. Like many harder exercises, this one takes time for your body to adapt to the pressure it places on your body. Don’t rush it.

The main reason why people do pullups is to build strength and lose weight. Pullups are done by pulling yourself up on a bar so that your chest reaches the same level as the bar. When you do that, you release yourself down slowly till you’re hanging off the bar again. Repeat this process as many times as you can every day.

It will get tiring, and you’ll get discouraged, but you have to make up your mind to keep going no matter what.

10. Weightlifting 

Bodyweight Exercise routines

Many people see weightlifting as a big deal because of how heavy the weights look. And many people try to carry large weights from the beginning because they see others carrying them comfortably. Doing this can cause damage to the body if it’s done continuously.

Everybody who carries large weights once started from smaller weights. Nobody just woke up one morning and started carrying 50kg weights. It started with them carrying smaller weights. So it would be best if you didn’t rush yourself into carrying weights your body hasn’t been trained to carry.

Start from 12kg weights; before long, you’ll move to 16kg. Keep increasing it by twos; you’ll carry bigger weights very soon. Achieving consistency with this exercise can be tough. But if you continue to include this consistently in your bodyweight exercise routine, with time, you’ll lose weight and burn fat before you realize it.

Tips To Building A Bodyweight Exercise Routine That Works

● Set a weekly goal:

Write it down if you want to work out for fifty hours a week. What writing it down does for you is that it helps you to have something to look forward to. You can return to it and be motivated to buckle up when you feel like you’re slacking. Set a weekly goal today and kick start the bodyweight exercise routine that will make a difference to your healthy living journey.

● Set a daily goal:

Set a goal. Give yourself a time frame where you’ll exercise every day. Make sure your goals are specific and achievable in a particular time frame. Don’t set lofty goals that will be unachievable in the end.

Also, reward yourself with something every time you hit your goal. Doing this will encourage you to continue.

● Choose an order for your exercise:

The order of your exercise cannot always be spontaneous. You should have an order you follow every day instead of leaving it to chance. Doing this will help you to be consistent with your workout. It will also help you with setting your goals for the days ahead.

Also, do the easiest workouts before you start doing the harder ones. If you start with the harder ones, you will be too tired to do those easy ones at the end—warm up your body with the easier exercises. And as you begin, try not to get burnt out.

●Recovery time:

When you lose your breath during a workout, take a break to catch your breath. Don’t rush workouts. Take your time so that it won’t break your body system. Give yourself breaks in between your workout sessions to give your body time to adjust to the new changes that are going on within it.

● Rest:

Amid all the pushups and the pullups, find time to rest. Don’t overwork yourself because you’re trying to stay fit and healthy. When you get tired, you can take a bath and do something else that is productive for you. Overworking yourself can cause your health to get worse, and you won’t want that.

● Sleep:

Don’t joke with your sleep as a bodybuilder. If you don’t sleep, your body will shut down in no time. So as much as you want to work out, you should also make sure you sleep. Sleep will prepare your mind and body for the next day and help you build consistency.

● Workout variety:

As you grow in consistency with your workout, it also increases your workout’s difficulty. Don’t stay at the beginners’ level forever. If you keep doing easy exercises forever, you will not master other exercises. So as you grow, try out other levels of workouts too.

Move from one difficulty level to another by adding more difficult workout exercises to your schedule.

●Do other types of workouts:

As you proceed to fitness, do your best to try other workout exercises. Do a variety of them. Don’t stick to one for too long. If you do squats and lunges today, you can try weightlifting and cycling tomorrow.

Doing this will make you look forward to your next workout routine, building consistency and passion for working out. Also, it prevents boredom and slacking. You can also add other kinds of workouts like cardio once in a while to spice things up.

● Have a good diet to support yourself as you work out:

Having a good diet as you work out is important because you lose a lot of calories with each exercise you do and a lot of nutrients too. It would be best to replace all the nutrients you’re losing with good food that can build up your body alongside your workout. It is therefore important at this time to get yourself a dietician. But if you can’t afford a dietician, you can plan your diet yourself.

As a bodybuilder, you must east foods rich in protein daily. It will also help if you take in a lot of fatty acids and whole foods to make up for all the energy you’ll be losing daily.


A lot goes into losing weight and building a perfect body. Eat healthily, and don’t give up. Continue, even when it gets boring. Keep your eyes on the goal. Mapping out a bodyweight exercise routine while undergoing various physical and bodily exercises are crucial. This is why this guide provides ten of the best bodyweight exercises that would help you burn out fat and calories in no time.

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