How to reduce belly fat – 9 Intense Belly Fat Exercises Routine


Introduction to Belly Fat Exercises

Many people have trouble with excess fat storage in the abdominal region. Accumulation of fat around the belly area is common. But that does not mean you can’t do anything about it. You can change two things: improve your diet and perform specific belly fat exercise to work your midsection.

Too much belly fat increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and is one of the first signs of an unhealthy lifestyle. To some degree, fat is normal and necessary, but too much can lead to further complications and health issues and it is therefore necessary to reduce belly fat. Therefore, we created a belly fat exercise routine that will help you work on your midsection and thus reduce belly fat. But remember, this is just one side of the story. You also must manage your diet, ensuring you avoid eating unhealthy and processed foods.

Let’s start with the first exercise.

Exercise 1: Crunches

This is the most basic yet effective exercise targeting your rectus abdominis muscles. It is suitable for any level.

Lie on your back and place your hands behind your hard with elbows bent. Draw your belly slightly in and press your back on the mat. Now, with an exhale, lift your upper body off the floor. Keep looking forward. Make sure you keep your elbows in line with your head.

Perform the exercise at your own pace.

Exercise 2: Side plank knee to elbow tap

This is an advanced exercise that will work your oblique muscles. Those are the muscles on your sides. By that, we are tightening the muscles on the side of your stomach, creating a nice slimming line. This is the part where fat is most often accumulated, so this is the exercise you do not want to skip.

Lie on your side and support your body on your forearm. Bend the lower leg and keep the upper extended. Reach with the upper arm overhead. Now, bring the upper leg and arm close together. Extend and repeat.

Exercise 3:  Alternating toe taps

With this exercise, we engage the upper and lower ab muscles. The part where you lift your upper body will target the upper abs, and when lowering the leg down, you are working your lower abs. It is a perfect exercise to get a nice burn in your abs.

Lie on your back with your legs extended and your toe pointing toward the ceiling. Raise your arms overhead and place them on the floor. Now, reach with one arm to the opposite toe and simultaneously lower the other leg down toward the floor. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side. Alternate.

Exercise 4: Plank

Plank is one of the most popular exercises. The goal with this one is to improve the endurance of your core muscles and give them a nice toned look.

Support your body on your forearms and your toes. Keep your body in a straight line, engage your core muscles. Hold the position. Make sure to hold your core tight.

Exercise 5: Mountain climber

Mountain climber is a more dynamic variation of the plank. It works all parts of the core muscles the central part and the side. The bonus is that it also targets the shoulders and arms.

Start similarly to plank, only this time supporting your upper body on the extended arms. Place your palms under the shoulders. Now, bring one knee at a time toward your chest and squeeze your abs. Alternate between the legs.

Exercise 6: Scissors

Scissors is quite an advanced exercise. It works mainly in the lower part of your abs. Often the lower part has more fat than the upper, so it is essential to include this type of exercise in the workout. An additional bonus is that it also tightens the legs.

Lie on your back and raise your legs up toward the ceiling. Keep your arm at the side. If that is too difficult, you can place them under your pelvis for support. Now, lower the legs toward the floor by crossing your legs. Make sure you keep your back on the floor throughout the exercise. Exhale as you lower down and inhale as you come up.

Exercise 7: Seated knee to elbow

Working in different planes is important because it is easier to target all parts of the core. That is why we also included seated core exercises. The following one will engage lower abs and obliques. If you are a beginner, you can start in a more upright position, but if you can, you can also lean further back.

Sit on the mat and place your arms behind your head. Bend your knees and keep your feet on the mat—slightly lean back. Now, bring the opposite knee to the elbow together. Alternate between the sides.

Exercise 8: Metronome

Metronome is a great exercise to improve the strength and stability of your core. It will give you a nice burn in your obliques, which will define your abs.

Lie on your back and lift your feet off the floor. Keep your knees bent. Open your arm to the side with your palms facing up. Now, slowly move your legs side to side, slightly lifting the pelvis off the floor. Keep your core engaged.

Exercise 9: V-sit

V-sit is an overall exercise that will, in the first part, work on your upper and, in the second part, your lower abs. You will develop strength and burn many calories because you will need to lift your upper body up.

Lie on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms by the side. Now, lift your upper body up until your come to your things. Raise your arms in front of you. Return down and repeat. If you cannot go all the way up, go as far as you currently can, and you will build up your strength over time.

That was the last exercise for today. Remember, consistent exercise and a healthy and balanced diet will help reduce belly fat and keep you healthier.


Building the above belly fat exercises into your routine will go a long way in your quest to reduce belly fat. Exercise reduces belly fat for many reasons:

  • Exercise boosts metabolism, which reduces belly fat over time.
  • Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity, which lowers blood sugar and belly fat.
  • Promotes hormonal balance: HIIT can help reduce belly fat by balancing hormones.
  • Reduces stress: Exercise reduces stress and improves mental health, which can reduce belly fat from stress-related overeating.

In addition, strength training, such as weightlifting, can help you build muscle and burn more calories even at rest. Exercise alone may not reduce belly fat. Optimized results require a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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