The 6 Secret Steps of Living a Healthy Lifestyle


Secrets to Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Every new year, millions of people make a resolution for living a healthy lifestyle in the coming year. This is because everyone knows that living a healthy lifestyle isn’t only about healthy eating but is the key to a happier life. However, a week or two into the resolution, many lose the motivation to carry out the new changes. 

Living a healthy lifestyle

Why is that? This is because most people indulge in this new change head-on and start making many significant changes in their lifestyle immediately. So, you tend to miss your old habits with such new massive implementations.

If you are someone who has tried changing to a healthy lifestyle but couldn’t commit, we might have a secret for you. A healthy lifestyle is started by taking baby steps, and if you want to know what these steps are, head on below.

The 6 Steps Towards Living a Happy Lifestyle

Some people believe you get only one life, so why not live it to its fullest? Hence, they eat, do and carry out any activity they like without giving much thought to it. However, while this statement is accurate, and you, in fact, only live once, adapting to some healthy habits in this one life is important too.

It’s never too late to be a health freak or take some baby steps for your health. Here is what you can do.

1. Exercise or Be Physically Active

The pandemic did turn many of us into couch potatoes. Day after day, we spent significant time in our PJs in front of the TV locked in the home as there wasn’t much to do.

However, now that things are back to normal; having some physical activity in your life or simply exercising is a must. You can either head to the gym or do something you like. 

Physical activities not only help you manage your weight but significantly impact your brain health, reduce the risk of many diseases and improve your ability to carry out many other physical activities.

2. Improve your Eating Habits

Food is a sense of calamity and a happy place for many, while others tend to eat less than they can in fear of gaining weight. Both these adaptions in life are wrong as they will impede our quest of living a healthy lifestyle. It would help if you didn’t consume a lot of unhealthy food as a means of coping mechanism or because it is your tranquility. Nether is too consuming as little as you can beneficial.

Eating a moderate amount depends on your body weight and the right amount of nutrients. Foods that are high in sugar and fats should be avoided, while those which provide good nutrients, vitamins, and minerals should always be your top pick.

Moreover, having breakfast before you start your day is of utmost importance.

eating habits

3. Consume Less Salt and Sugar

Salt, while it gives flavor to our food and makes it taste great is also one of the most lethal condiments you can use. The average salt intake per day happens to be 5g. However, most people surpass this ratio by a vast margin.

Consuming excessive salt is proven to increase the risk of hypertension and cardiac events and in many cases, can lead to the formation of renal stones.

On the other hand, while making things sweet, sugar is linked to the increased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and many liver diseases. Hence, making sure that both these condiments are taken in moderate amounts is essential.

Healthy lifestyle

4. Choose Healthy Fats

Don’t we all like to gobble down a big juicy burger or devour some great wings? However, while these foods are a great treat from time to time, daily intake can lead to high cholesterol levels and certain heart diseases too. The question we could have in our mind – isn’t fat also an essential part of our healthy diet?

Well, yes, it is. Fats are of two types: saturated and unsaturated. While both intakes are essential, unsaturated fats are preferable to saturated ones.

The intake of saturated fats is to be kept to less than 10 percent of your total energy intake, as mentioned by WHO, while unsaturated fats obtained from foods like fish, avocado, and nuts extra is considered the healthy form of fat.

5. Stay Well Hydrated

Hot days and physically active routines make you thirsty and dehydrated. Adults need to consume at least 1.5 L or more on an average day and what is a better source of quenching your thirst than water?

Water is one of mother nature’s best gifts; honestly, nothing compares to it when one is dehydrated or thirsty. Carrying a bottle of water with you when you head out is advisable. This is because you’d remember to drink water from time to time.

Other than water, fresh juices, tea, milk, or soft drinks can be consumed from time to time but not always

6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

A night that is well spent is known to bring a day full of content and positivity. Hence, ensuring you sleep well each night is extremely important and should always be a priority.

A good night’s sleep will not only make you fresher in the morning and active enough to carry out and battle everything the day holds for you but also make you intelligent, healthy, and beautiful.

So, at most, turn the lights off early and get a cozy 6-8 hours of sleep.

healthy lifestyle


There is no right time to start living a healthy lifestyle. As early as you realize how vital the right path to health is for you, the better. It is never too late to be a health freak; neither is there a perfect jotted down plan on what are the demands to become one.

However, what needs to be realized is that a healthy lifestyle isn’t only equivalent to taking in some nutritious meals but is also about making small but noticeable changes in your lifestyle. A good diet and these changes will all help you make massive differences.

We gathered the six most important ways to help you adapt to a healthy lifestyle, and we hope your journey on the right path remains smooth with these baby steps.

HealthVibez, Healthy Living

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