Exercise with Lucija – 10 Abs Exercise


10 Best Abs Exercises – Core Crushing

Doing abs exercises at home is a certain way to develop a solid midsection. Abs workouts should focus on strengthening the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques for optimal results. It’s important to remember that you don’t need any special equipment to get results like toned abs.

Here are some abs exercises that Lucija recommends you try. Changes in tempo, reps, rounds, and exercise complexity may all be used to increase or decrease the challenge.

Standing Crunch

One may do a standing crunch in place of a traditional sit-up as one of the best abs exercises. This bodyweight exercise may be effortlessly included in your home fitness program and is just as effective as a sit-up. Standing crunches are a great full-body exercise since they target your glutes, abs, and all the way to your back. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands behind your head, then execute crunches by squeezing your abs, bringing your head forward, and crunching your abs to strengthen your core.

Abs exercises

Standing Knee to Elbow Twist

Standing Knee to Elbow Twist is essentially an abs exercise that is a variation of the crunch in which your knees are raised instead of, or in addition to, your torso. This position provides greater stimulation to your lower abs and less risk of injury to your lower back than traditional crunches.

Technique: Lift your hands to your sides, bend your elbows, and stand up straight. With your upper body and elbows twisted to the right, bring your left leg up. Go back and do it again, this time switching sides.

best abs exercises

Long Arm Crunches

The long-arm crunch is an alternative to the standard crunch that targets the abdominals and upper back. Holding the arms above the head enhances the challenge for the abdominals, being an essential routine for abs exercises.

Technique: To begin, get on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your arms upward, keeping your elbows in a straight line with your ears. To make things simpler, you may join your thumbs together.

Long Arm Crunches

Heel Taps

Heel taps are a kind of core workout that target a variety of muscles, including those in the stomach, the abdominal region, and others by using the body’s own weight. This is one of the best abs exercises that can be performed in lieu of crunches.

Technique: Position your heels close to your glutes while lying on your back. Raise your shoulders off the ground and reach down to touch your right heel with one hand and your left heel with the other.

abs exercise

Reverse Crunches

Many of the advantages of abs exercises that are associated with doing a conventional crunch may also be realized by performing a reverse crunch. On the other hand, due to the fact that both your neck and the majority of your back remain flat on the ground, it is believed to be less stressful on your spine.

Technique: Begin by laying down and bringing your arms to rest by your sides. Raise your legs up so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are bent. Exhale as you draw your knees to your chest and tense your abdominal muscles to lift your hips off the floor. Bring your knees up to your chest. After holding this posture for a beat, carefully move your legs back to the beginning position to complete the exercise.

Abs exercises

Knee Thugs

Knee crunches are excellent upper-body abs exercises that target your abdominal muscles and are meant to increase core strength.

Technique: Knee thugs are performed while lying on one’s back with the arms behind one’s head. Knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and relax your shoulders. Raise your upper body until your hands are touching your knees. Hold this position for a second, then slowly lower your body.

abs exercises

Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch is one of the best abs exercises you can do to strengthen your core since it is simple to do and does not need any special equipment. Add bicycle crunches to your training program if you want to strengthen your core, trim your waist, and boost your stability and flexibility. This is a great way to tone your abs and obliques, not to mention increase your heart rate and calorie burn.

Technique: Perform bicycle crunches by laying on your back and squeezing your lower back onto an exercise mat while performing a crunch. Raise your shoulder blades off the mat while keeping your hands behind your head in a retracted position. Raise your knees until they form an angle of 90 degrees, and then alternate extending each leg as though you were riding a bicycle. Turn your body such that with each stroke of the pedals you bring the opposite elbow to the same knee.

best abs exercises

Toe Taps

Toe touches are great abs exercises for strengthening the abdominal surface muscles since they focus largely on the rectus abdominis muscle group.

Technique: Begin by spreading out a yoga mat flat on the floor and laying on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you. With your arms extended, steadily raise your head, shoulder blades, and body off the mat as you bring your hands up towards your feet. Regain the beginning posture by lowering your chest, shoulder blades, and head to the floor and putting your hands behind your head.

abs exercises

Under-Knee Claps

Having a strong core contributes to the overall strength of our body, especially our arms and legs. The under-knee clap abs exercise is going to stress your whole core and offer an additional test to your ability to maintain your balance.

Technique: Raise your left leg up toward your chest while keeping your core engaged and your chest as erect as possible. At the same time, clap your hands below your thigh. Immediately go back to the beginning. There is one rep for you. Perform the same motions with the second leg, and then continue alternating between the two.

abs exercises

Russian Twist

Popular worldwide, the Russian twist is supposed to have been named after a workout routine created for Soviet troops during the Cold War. To strengthen your midsection and shoulders, try the Russian twist as a great abs exercise. Since rotating movement is so common in sports, this exercise is quite popular among athletes. Though seemingly effortless at first glance, the action really calls for considerable physical effort and assistance.

Technique: Put your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent to sit in a relaxed posture on the floor. Relax your body and lean back until you’re at a 45-degree angle to the ground.

If you want to get the most out of the Russian twist workout, you need to make sure your back stays straight at all times
Place your hands together at heart level and lift your knees off the ground. Place your hands together at heart level and lift your knees off the ground. You should do this while keeping your core tight.

Russian Twist


Human abdominal consists of four muscles which are the rectus abdomens, internal oblique, external oblique, and transversus abdominis. When performing abs exercises it is important to understand the effects, functions, the types of exercises, and think about how to perform these exercises safely. We hope that the exercises Lucija has demonstrated in this video will be helpful as you attempt to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

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